Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ahh..was searching through blogs,and someone tagged me to do.
I forgotten the name,and i am too lazy to go back :p

35 Little Secrets:
Be honest no matter what!

[ONE] Who was your last text from?
Wai Siong? You have fever!

[TWO] Where was your default pic taken?
Most people will just say huh? But..i am different! WHAT?!

[THREE]Your relationship status?
Single.If only time will reverse..

[FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend?
Yes..Many of them

[FIVE] What is your current mood?
Sleeply?Excited? Considering i completed my game

[SIX] What's your brother's name?
I have no brother!

[SEVEN ] What's your favorite color(s)?
Black and pink? What a weird combo..

[EIGHT] Where do you wish you were right now?
In my bed..

[NINE] Have a crazy side?

[TEN] Ever had a near death experience?
Yup,boy it was scary

[ELEVEN] Something you do a lot?
Blink my eyes? I mean who doesn't

[TWELVE] Angry at anyone?
I'm angry at myself...FOR NOT PLAYING!

[THIRTEEN] What's stopping you from going for the person you like.
I am shy?

[FOURTEEN] When was the last time you cried?
A month ago..

[FIFTEEN] Is there anyone you would do anything for?
Yes,a month ago.Now, I don't really know

[SIXTEEN] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
If i will wake up with my bed wet..

[SEVENTEEN] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Some scamming company.. who says I won a billion US bucks.I don't want..US is doomed..

[EIGHTEEN] What are your favorite songs?
Progessive rock and light metal

[NINETEEN] What are you doing right now?
zzz...dumb quiz...

[TWENTY] Who do you trust right now?
My family,and my closest friends

[TWENTY-ONE] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
Why am i wearing?!Its BED TIME!
[TWENTY-TWO] Have you kissed someone in the past week?

[TWENTY-THREE] What is your lucky number?
I don't know? Cause i am not lucky!

[TWENTY-FOUR] Who are your friends that are closest to you?
Lazy to name them out..

[TWENTY- FIVE] Describe your life in one word?

[TWENTY- SIX] Have you ever kissed in the rain?
Yup..Was my first kiss

[TWENTY-SEVEN] Who are you thinking of right now?
My mom..if she will come in and scold me for making the floor wet in the kitchen..
Hope she thinks its not me...:D

[TWENTY- EIGHT] What should you be doing right now?
YOUR MOM! jk .. i really like mom jokes.erm.sleeping? mom is nagging

[TWENTY-NINE] If you could wish for something over a birthday cake right now what would it be?
A NETS card with a billion SG dollars inside...NOT us..pls.. AND THE PIN NUMBER!

[THIRTY] What are you listening to?
Just Like You by 3 Days Grace..oh wait it just changed to Hell's Kitchen by Dream theater..

[THIRTY- ONE] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
A month ago..I still remember it..

[THIRTY- TWO] Who was the last person who yelled at you?
My mom la! DUHHH I keep forgetting to off the toilet lights :p

[THIRTY- THREE] Do you act differently around the person you like?
Why will i do that? BE YOURSELF!

[THIRTY- FOUR] What is your natural hair colour?

[THIRTY-FIVE] Who was the last person to make you laugh?
The scam company..I was asking them to buy my " Anti Scamming Device 3000000 "
They apparently are not interested when i say it will auto track scammers on my phone and alert the police the location of the scammer..

5 people to do this quest

Joshua,Aaaron,Kevin,Zi qi,Mark

I should go sleep soon,and hope my mom don't find out I spilled the water.. :p

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